Spring Session: Beatles A-Z, Part II
6 Saturdays, April 15-May 20, 2023
3:30-4:30 pm
Ages 10-adult, intermediate to advanced level
Love the Beatles? Join ukulele teacher Randy Pollok for a fun intermediate/advanced ukulele class exploring the Beatles catalog in alphabetical order, A-Z, focusing on tunes that aren't readily available in the normal ukulele books. Randy will walk you through songs including “Anna (Go to Him),” “Another Girl,” “Baby’s in Black,” and more. Sign up here.
Special Offer! Sign up for both Beatles A-Z sessions, before October 14, and save $20.
Fee: $10 registration fee; $108* tuition per 6-week session; $84 if enrolled in individual lessons at Hochstein. (Fees are as of Fall 2022.)