Fall Session: 6 Saturdays, October 14-November 18, 2017
Spring Session: 6 Saturdays: April 14-May 19, 2018
2:30-3:30 pm
Ages 10-adult; beginners
Are you looking for a fun, accessible way to start learning music? Well, the ukulele is the perfect instrument to develop musical skills while playing in a group with others! Join ukulele master Randy Pollok in this intergenerational class with the emphasis on learning basic chords and songs in a welcoming environment that fosters a positive attitude and a sense of community with other class members. Grab your children, your spouse/partner, family members, and friends and join together in this enjoyable way to make music together!
NOTE: Participants need to provide their own ukuleles (concert, tenor, or soprano size) and purchase The Daily Ukulele, Volume 1 by Jim Beloff (available from Bernunzio Uptown Music).
Read more and register online through the Hochstein School of Music and Dance.